Speech Pathology | Ellie Orr

Advanced Practice | Collaboration | Individualised Care

Speech Scope is located at:

Errard Specialists

  • Advanced Practice in swallow assessment using nasendoscopy. Includes onsite ENT consultation - dual consultation in one visit

    Videofluoroscopy (x-ray swallow study) completed offsite

    Evaluation of cranial nerve and swallow function to optimise health and quality of life using strategies and education, in conjunction with client goals

    Head and Neck Cancer - Ellie is experienced in head and neck cancer management for voice, speech and swallowing

  • Pre & post op voice therapy.

    Therapy and education for professional voice users (lecturers, teachers, radio presenters, receptionists, performers)

  • Vocal cord dysfunction

    Chronic cough

    Irritable larynx

    Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction

    Collaboration with Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Physician onsite

  • After stroke

    Through progressive neurological changes

    Augmentative and Alternative Communication