What to expect:

Depending on your referral information, Ellie will ask a number of questions. She may then look at the muscles in your head and neck, look at your breathing patterns and listen to your voice. If you’re referred for swallowing difficulties, Ellie may observe you eating and drinking something. It may be necessary for Ellie to look at your throat via nasendoscopy - a small scope going through your nose, sitting at the top of your voice box. You will be asked to eat and drink something whilst the scope views the food/fluids going down. This assessment is called a Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (FEES) and is an advanced practice skill that Ellie has been doing for over a decade.

Ellie will ensure you have the information and decision making opportunities prior to any further assessment. She may even decide that a different specialist assessment is necessary (Videofluoroscopy). This is completed at Grampians Health, Ballarat - where Ellie also works and performs these procedures.

If you’re seeing Ellie about a cough, throat clearing, or tightness in your throat which causes you to have difficult breathing, Ellie will assess the severity of this using evidence based tools. She will provide education, strategies and tools for your to trial.

You may require a review appointment, or even a block of therapy. Ellie will discuss this with you so that you understand what may be considered best for you and your outcomes, and what you’re able to commit to.


What does a speech pathologist do?

